it all starts now.

Congratulations! You’re not simply reading a book. You’re really stepping off the sidelines. Creating the life you love starts today.


It all starts now.

Congratulations! You’re not simply reading a book. You’re really stepping off the sidelines. Creating the life you love starts today.

Do thoughts like these keep you from chasing your dreams?

  • What if I make a mistake?
  • What if people don’t approve?
  • What if I have to break the rules?
  • What if I need to depend on others?
  • What if I don’t have what it takes?
  • What if I have to take responsibility?
  • What if something goes horribly wrong?

You’re not alone. It takes courage to step off the sidelines of your own life. Courage is not fearlessness; courage is taking action in the face of fear. And that’s exactly what you’re here to do: Take action.

Here’s the deal:

We designed the Do It Scared Assessment™ to uncover your Fear Archetype™ and give you in-depth practical resources. You’re about to learn precisely how fear creeps into your heart and mind. Soon you’ll be able to recognize it, overcome it, and create a life you love.

You’ll get the most accurate results if you answer without overthinking. Remember, everyone is unique. There is no such thing as a bad Archetype, just a nameless fear lurking in your blind spot.

Are you ready? Let’s go.